Analog Devices Inc.
Analog Devices は、革新、高性能、卓越性を企業文化の柱に、テクノロジーセクターにおいて最長の歴史と最高の成長を誇る企業の1つとしての地位を確実にしてきました。データコンバージョンとシグナルコンディショニング技術で高い評価を得ており、10万社を超える顧客に製品を提供し、実質上あらゆる種類の電子機器の製造に貢献しています。アナログおよびデジタル信号処理アプリケーションで使用される高性能集積回路の代表的なグローバルメーカーとして50年以上の実績を持つAnalog Devicesは、本社をマサチューセッツ州ノーウッドに置き、設計・製造施設を世界中に展開しています。S&P 500インデックスに含まれています。
Analog Devices Inc. ADL8120 30kHz to 20GHz Low Noise AmplifierDelivers a typical gain of 14dB and a noise figure of 1.9dB from 30kHz to 14GHz.2024/12/12
Analog Devices Inc. ADG2436 Dual SPDT SwitchAnalog multiplexer with independently selectable switches.2024/12/12
Analog Devices Inc. EVAL-AD5766ARDZ Evaluation BoardSimplifies the evaluation of the AD5766, a 16-channel, 16-bit/12-bit voltage output DAC.2024/12/12
Analog Devices Inc. ADMT4000 True Power-On Multi-Turn Position SensorOffers operation without power or contact and provides an absolute measurement range of 360°.2024/12/09
Analog Devices Inc. EVAL-ADG6436 Evaluation BoardEvaluates the ADG6436 analog multiplexer with two selectable single-pole, double-throw switches.2024/12/09
Analog Devices Inc. PMD-ARD-INT-LCZ Evaluation BoardLow-cost interposer that connects up to four Pmod modules.2024/12/09
Analog Devices Inc. AD4170 Low Noise Precision SigmaDelta ADCDesigned for precision measurement applications, with a DC to 50kHz input bandwidth.2024/12/09
Analog Devices Inc. DC2820A-B Evaluation BoardFeatures the LTM-8060F quad-output Silent Switcher® power uModule® regulator.2024/12/09
Analog Devices Inc. ADG6436 Dual SPDT SwitchAn analog multiplexer with two independently selectable switches.2024/12/09
Analog Devices Inc. EVAL-ADG2436 Evaluation BoardDesigned for the ADG2436, which features two independent single-pole, double-throw (SPDT) switches.2024/12/09
Analog Devices Inc. MAX17616/A Evaluation KitsFeatures the MAX17616 or MAX17616A eFuse setup for 5V to 28V operation.2024/12/03
Analog Devices Inc. EVAL-ISOMAX Evaluation Board & KitFeatures an MAX32670 ultralow-power microcontroller and an ADBMS6822 dual isoSPI transceiver.2024/11/26
Analog Devices Inc. MAX2640x Silent Switcher® Buck ConvertersTiny synchronous Silent Switcher® buck converters with integrated low and high-side switches.2024/11/19
Analog Devices Inc. ADE9178 Energy Management DSPA metrology DSP for use with a combination of ADE9113/ADE9112/ADE9103 sigma-delta ADCs.2024/11/19
Analog Devices Inc. EVAL-ADA4352-2EBZ Evaluation BoardDesigned to evaluate the ADA4352-2, a compact, monolithic, dual-channel, precision PGTIA.2024/11/15
Analog Devices Inc. ADL8140 Low Noise AmplifierOperates from 10GHz to 18GHz frequency range in a 2mm x 2mm, 8-lead frame chip scale LFCSP package.2024/11/15
Analog Devices Inc. EVAL-ADXL380 Evaluation BoardsImplemented as a PC-based solution for demonstrating the ADXL380 MEMS accelerometer.2024/11/13
Analog Devices Inc. ADSP1802 SHARC® Processors32-bit/40-bit floating point processors optimized for high-performance audio applications.2024/11/11
Analog Devices Inc. LT8349 2-Phase Low IQ Synchronous Boost ConverterThis device drives two internal N-Channel power MOSFET stages out-of-phase.2024/11/11
Analog Devices Inc. EVAL-ADSP1802評価キットADSP1802プロセッサの能力をテストするためにCCES環境で使用するために開発されました。2024/11/07
Analog Devices Inc. ADBMS6821/ADBMS6822 isoSPI™ トランシーバADBMS6821(シングル)とADBMS6822(デュアル)があり、双方向isoSPI通信を行います。2024/11/07
Analog Devices Inc. AD4855 8-Ch Data Acquisition System (DAS)Combines a 5V supply, flexible input buffer supplies, & differential, wide common-mode range inputs.2024/11/06
Analog Devices Inc. EVAL-AD4131-8WARDZ Evaluation KitKit is based on the AD4131-8 16-bit, ultra-low power, low-noise ADC.2024/11/06
Analog Devices Inc. AD4857 8-Ch Data Acquisition System (DAS)16-bit DAS offers differential, wide common-mode range inputs & combines SHDR technology.2024/11/06
Analog Devices Inc. AD4856 8-Ch Data Acquisition System (DAS)20-bit DAS offers differential, wide common-mode range inputs & combines SHDR technology.2024/11/06